
© 2014 Arbeitsgemeinschaft


The citizens initiative against aircraft noise and its working committees take a decision making part in the association “Dialogforum Flughafen Wien" (Dialog board Airport Vienna).

As successfully proved in the mediation process, improvements for the burdend residents are achieved.

The main goals are:

  • Unlimited and uncontrolled expansion of noise emission is counteracted in dialog with the noise polluters.
  • The citizens initiative against aircraft noise continuously verifies the agreed limitations concerning air traffic restrictions settled in the mediation agreement. In case of deviation from the mediation agreements the citizens initiative also demands their fulfilment.

On the following pages you will find:

  • In topics: Information about our work, our statements regarding the association “Dialogforum Flughafen Wien" (Dialog board Airport Vienna).
  • In organsiation: our working groups, the structure and operational units
  • In members: all our members.

We want to point out, that no guarantee can be taken for the correctness of the information on this homepage. The liability of the citizens initiative against aircraft noise, their members and its functionaries is excluded.

Registered office: 2320 Schwechat – post mail address: 2320 Schwechat, Möhringgasse 2-4 - ZVR-Zahl: 973772607